Welcome to my Website!

There's nothing here yet, so feel free to go visit my neighbour instead Quinni's Place.

I'm still unsure what to put on my site, I'm never any good with knowing what to put on the internet as realistically no one cares. It's why I've never got into social media in general. Maybe I'll just use this space to put pictures of mini's I'm working on and painted. idk

I guess I'll start with this lil guy, a resin Big Mek from warhammer 40k. He's not new or anything, and has been relegated to legends now but it's still a special mini as it's probably the first I was happy with after I had painted it.

Anyway this place is still so please take a Hard Hat and do try to stay safe

Okay, thats all for now. I'll try to update this place at some point so keep an eye out will ya